We're striving for Zero Waste, which is measured as 90% or greater diversion from landfill. All reusable materials will be recirculated back into the community through our reuse center, The Materials Oasis.
Thank you for your collaboration to minimize the environmental impact of the production process.
EcoSet Office:
3019 Andrita St. 90065
Prod. Supervisor:
Niklas Li
EcoSet Coordinator:
Dorian Bomer

Please review our files and links for reference during prep and production.

EcoSet Recommended Caterers
Sustainable Caterers for commercial productions:
EcoSet Recommended Craft Service
Sustainable Craft Service for commercial productions:
Eat Heathy Crafty / Craft E Co. (
Chiara Vittoria -
EcoSet Recommended Clean Power Options
Sustainable Power for commercial productions
Sanisetfleet / King Kong Production Vehicles
Booking & Cancellation Requirements
Minimum 48 hour confirmation required for bookings. $500 expedited prep surcharge for less than 48 hour confirmation.
Cancellation of EcoSet services with less than 24 hours notice incurs a $500 cancellation fee plus 12-hour guaranteed wages, Covid testing stipends and fringes for all cancelled Eco Crew
Overdue invoices incur late fees after 30 days past due